[S.4 , E. 10] - 29:27 - What Is Ectogenesis And Are Babies Being Genetically Engineered?
Let's Chat About Futurism! The host, Camille Emblem, has a brief discussion about Ectogenesis or EctoLife and shares some articles about the topic with her great audience.
What is Ectogenesis? Are babies being genetically engineered? Earlier this year, Chinese scientists reportedly created an artificial womb for fetuses to safely grow outside of a human body in a 'robotic nanny' that can monitor and take care of embryos. “Different scientists are working on capturing different stages of pregnancy outside the uterus. ‘According to the World Health Organization, around 300,000 women die from pregnancy complications. EctoLife artificial womb is designed to alleviate human suffering and reduce the chances of C-sections,‘ writes Al-Ghaili. Instead of a mother pushing painfully with her body, couples are asked to push a button that ‘birthes’ their incubated child. The project is also designed for women who have had their uterus removed following health issues, like cancer.