Robert Esmie, also known as “The Speed Doctor”, is an accomplished athlete. He is a two-time World Champion and an Olympic Gold medalist — all of these accomplishments and more are in sprinting. Robert Esmie is also much more than just an accomplished athlete. He is also a successful entrepreneur (co-founder of Critiq) and an experienced motivational speaker.
At Critiq, we’re working to revolutionize the learning and feedback space by providing a new, convenient way to find help. By connecting you with experts who can provide you with truly valuable, personalized feedback.
For the Audience
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Critiq is a visual feedback platform. Our marketplace connects you with experts in a variety of fields. You choose an expert's service, upload a photo, video, or document to one of our experts; your expert gives you a video response of their feedback using the Critiq Expert mobile app.
Critiq offers a new way that you can get in touch with experts in a variety of fields to learn from and lean on when you need them most.