[S.5, E. 1] 30:00 - Deep Dive into the "Nasal Biome" W/Joyce Dales - {Let's Chat About Nasal Stuff!}
I'm Joyce Dales, the CEO of Buzzagogo and the maker of Cold Bee Gone Nasal Swab Remedy. Cold Bee Gone is a little homemade, honey-based cold remedy that was created in the kitchen in 2009. My husband Jeffrey and I had just welcomed home our newly adopted daughter from Vietnam. Upon arriving home in New Hampshire, she was recovering from emergency open-heart surgery due to a legacy defect attributed to Agent Orange. She was considered immunocompromised and was at higher risk for complications from everyday germs. In order to protect her, I created Cold Bee Gone, a homeopathic, proprietary super honey blend that you swab in your nose to help fight cold and flu symptoms while also enhancing the overall nasal biome and immune function. I learned that most illnesses start in the nose, and if your nose lacks healthy flora, you can be at increased risk of getting sick. My goal was to tackle the issue from every angle by alleviating symptoms of active illness while also enhancing what I like to call the “Booger Biome.” Today the entire world is getting a crash course in how the nose is where viral replication starts, and therefore it needs to be in top fighting form.
Products are on Amazon or CVS stores.