Angela Bofill, a prominent Afro-Latina singer, is known for her contributions to R&B, jazz, and Latin music in the late '70s and '80s. Her Afro-Cuban and Puerto Rican heritage beautifully reflects the richness of the Afro-Latino experience. Exploring Angela Bofill's story will provide a rich foundation for discussing Afro-Latino identity and its cross-cultural impact in the U.S.
Categorization as Black or African American:
The categorization of Afro-Latinos as "Black" or "African American" in the United States has varied over time and often depends on self-identification and the context of the census or social classifications. Historically, in the U.S., racial categorizations have been influenced by the "one-drop rule," which classified anyone with African ancestry as Black.
#AngelaBofill #AfroLatino #AfroLatinaMusician #CrossCulturalImpact #MusicLegends #AfroCuban #LatinxCulture #BlackLatina #RBandJazz #CoffeeChatWithCamille #LatinoHeritage #CulturalFusion #RepresentationMatters